The ExplorerÕs Page: growing The Global Open Mic

ÒIf no one will give us a global mic – we may as well make it ourselves!Ó


     What is the purpose?


         -   Exploring great new venues – to boldly go where new poets are to be found!


         -   Creating and enjoying live-streaming poetry from around the world - 24 - 7!


         -  Networking poets, hosts, and venues for justice, freedom, life, and liberty – creating global community and have a positive effect on civilization – Poetry for the People!


     How will we do that?


          As we network, we organize to gain a voice in world affairs, weigh in on issues, clarify values - and there is a way to do all that: iVote.


          So, to those curious about the zoomiverse of poetry venues, interested in the great possibilities inherent in a global network of poets effecting civilization for the better – the sections below outline how to use this page to improve on something wondrous – please, scroll on!


          1   Getting Started – the few simple ways to build this global community


          2   Notes and Advisements – things to think about before finding and attending venues


          3   Organizations and Sources – where the Global Open MicÕs listings came from and where to find more possible venues


          4   Virtual Venues leads to new open mics, which could be added to the Global Open Mic once we have more information


          5   Leads to SF Bay Area Venues – from prior to the pandemic some may now be virtual



Getting Started



– a few ways to build the list


First: the simplest, visit the two links below. The first is the Global Open Mic, scroll down, peruse its contents, and then use the second link, a 4-minute video tour, to understand how to use the listing. It should be fairly simple to explore the zoomiverse of open mics.


* The Global Open Mic

*The video tour to use the GOM


Then, if youÕre interested, there are other ways to help and to do that, scroll on - - -


     There is a simple ways to help – one can pass the word along via social media, virtual or live poetry events, personal emails, and or conversations. To that end, the three links below can be distributed. The third link is for the venue I host.


    - The Global Open Mic:

    -To contact me:

    - Sacred Grounds Weds @ 7pm PST:


     One can also use the Global Open Mic to explore of the zoomiverse of virtual venues, events, meet new poets, network as never before and put folks in touch with me.


     One can keep an eye out on FaceBook, Youtube, or social any media platform, such as Instagram or Twitter to find venues, groups or organizations already networking poets and venues and pass the word to them, or let me know how to find them.


     One last thing, in case anyone asks what information I use, here is what I need to make a complete listing usually the host and I create the listing.


    1     - Regular scheduling weekly, bi-monthly, monthly

    2     - Established for some time

    3     - Large following

  4/5    - At least two means of contact: host email, FB, Webpage, Youtube channel, Twitter et al

  6/7    - Has a youtube channel or other for the recorded live, RL, additional listing.

   8      - a description of the venue, a few sentences that may be important to a visitor



Notes and Advisements



– on using the leads to attend venues


     The lists, which follow, were collected as I made  The Global Open Mic between 2019 –22.


     First, is a listing of organizations through which I found many venues.


      Second, there is a collection of places I have not yet had a chance investigate, verify, and add to the Global Open Mic. Be advised the information is dated and details regarding the venues may vary from those stated below; this is why the collection is best be seen as a source of leads to poets, venues, events, and more.


     An important aspect to consider, when using the leads to attend events, is the time zone differences as well as seasonal time changes, notably in the USA, England and Ireland. If you need to convert a venueÕs local time to yours. these links may be useful:


The Dateful Time Zone Converter:

World Time Server:




Organizations and sources



– some of these are where leads may come from!


*  Vron McIntyre, provides great sources of online events

First there is this:

Then a very has large listing of poetry venues and events – not just open mics: and


*  Poetry Ireland,

Their purpose is connecting poetry and people you can find competitions, awards, calls for submissions, residencies and open mic opportunities. If you would like to advertise an opportunity for poets on our website, please email


*  Here Comes Everyone, HCE won Best Magazine at the 2019 Saboteur Awards, and received a special mention in 2021. Our monthly poetry open mic night in Coventry, ÔFire & DustÕ was shortlisted for Best Regular Spoken Word Night in 2018, 2021 and 2022.


 * Phynne Belle: a producer and promoter of poetry evcnts:
Phynne-Belle hosts events, lists others, you can find all that and more at: or
Phynnecabulary on Eventbrite:
Or visit the weekly podcast featuring a guest poet!


*  Poetry Global Network: is an international media platform of poets, featuring other poets & their poetry: See the following events:


The Poetry Times, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 11am PDT





PGN email: or


* TheLKNPoetry, a world poet performing in many venues




Email address:



LKN (@thelknpoetry) is a page-performance-slam-street poet. Since September 2017, LKN's published in India, Pakistan, and American publications. He has performed in 1,900+ events in 20 countries and was featured in The History ChannelÕs HistoryCon, Poetry Festival Singapore and The Toronto International Festival of Authors. LKN has also performed for Paris Lit Up, Kotoba Tokyo and Sidewalk Beirut, as well as at Ledbury, Cheltenham, and Dodge poetry festivals. His craft is notable in poetry slams of Singapore and Toronto. LKN is also a busking poet in the streets of Southeast Asia


* DC Poetry Project The DC Poetry Project is a reading series organized by Michael Anthony Ingram, Anastasia Peace, CGMP and Brenda Bunting. Regularly scheduled open mics throughout the DC area.  (859) 338-2070.

Free Admission. 1st Sunday of the month


*  The Word is Write, This is a resource of poetry, poets, events, and mind bending minds – please see They are committed to providing a SAFE space for poets & writers of all backgrounds, to create, share and more! The Word is Write encourages all poets, discourages hate speech, and creates a welcoming, inclusive community and provides a collection of ongoing events listed filling out a given week!

Word is Write:

Marissa Prada, FB page:


* Australian Poetry:


* Bus Boys and Poets: The flagship location of Busboys & Poets is located in the historic U Street neighborhood, and combines a restaurant, bookstore, and performance space (the Langston Hughes Room).  They host book release events, author talks, films, live music, and several regular reading and performance series, including: an open mic every Tuesday night at 9:00 pm, see:


Live from Busboys (Talent Showcase, all performing arts disciplines, hosted by NeÕa Posey and Bomani Armah, 1st Fridays at 11:00 pm),

The Sparkle Series, a queer-friendly monthly performance series (featured readers plus open mic, hosted by Regie Cabico and Danielle Evennou, 1st Sundays at 8:00 pm),

The 11th Hour Slam (home of the DC Poetry Slam Team, hosted by 2Deep the Poetess, 2nd Fridays at 11:00 pm),

An ASL Open Mic (spoken word performed in American Sign Language, hosted by DJ SupaLee, the last Friday of the month at 11:00 pm),

Nine on the Ninth (featured readers and open mic, hosted by Poet-in-Residence Derrick Weston Brown, on the 9th day of every month at 9:00 pm),


* SPC Online poetry events:


* Writers on the Air, led by Todd Boyd RSVP in advance


* Listings New Zealand:



Leads to Virtual Venues



 These are organized by day, with city and nation, if known

    and thereÕs a final section for those with no day in their note



_________  UK

* Donezday Open Mic   LAST MONDAY 8.00pm ET 1.00am Tues UK


_________  UK

* Monthly Monday   2.00pm UK     2.00pm


_________  UK

* Second Monday CafŽ Writers presents monthly readings of poetryŽ-Writers/100064543877910/

and prose of extremely high quality in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.   There are also open mic slots every month so do come along and share something of your own.

Meetings are generally held online through Zoom but we are now introducing IN PERSON events. Please look at the programme for details. A link enabling you to book tickets and open mic slots via Eventbrite will appear here about ten days before each event.


_________    USA, Washington DC

* SPIT DAT Open-Mic:
Thank you so much for signing up for the open-mic for SPIT DAT: Patriot Acts! We're so excited for you to join us. You should get a confirmation email this evening with the Zoom information but for our purposes, I will also put the info below. Please join us in the Zoom room tonight at 7:15pm to confirm your place on the open mic. After our brief check-in, the virtual lobby will start at 7:30pm and the event will start at 8:00pm. Just a reminder: you will have a total of 5 minutes to share your piece(s)!

If you have any questions or trouble getting into the Zoom, feel free to contact me at this email! Best, Allison Lehman, Connectivity Fellow Office: 202.312.5277 // Pronouns: she/her/her 

Allison Lehman

202.393.3939   641 D Street NW // Washington, DC 20004


_________ USA

* POETIC NIGHTS WITH NALEDY M @ 6 pm on our Facebook page. FREE STATE ONLINE (please like the page and join us) Poetic Nights consists of live performances, featuring musicians, poets, painters, comedians and many more. Set a date with us as we chat with the most talented in the province. #PoeticNights  #WhereverYouAre


_________ UK

* MONDAY 730pm 730pm Rebel Riot Poetry

Features+Open Mic Zoom



* SECOND MONDAY 7:00 pm Full House Open Mic Features + Open Mic Zoom


_________ USA

* SPC Monday night poetry reading

Mondays @7:15 pm From Maine to California: Michael R. Brown, Valerie Lawson, Richard Cambridge, Victoria Bosch Murray, Michael McDonough



_________ UK

* Poetry & Pints  FIRST  TUESDAY  6.00pm ET 11.00pm  UK time                 

Open Mic Zoom Pittsburgh Poetry Collective


_________ UK

* New Ground Poetry Night Virtual Edition Open Mic

THIRD TUESDAY 7.30pm ET - 0.30am Wed UK time   Jonathan Everitt

Open mic poetry series on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Equal=Grounds Coffee, 7


_________ UK

* Speaking Crow Features + Open Mic Zoom FIRST TUESDAY 7.00pm CT 1.00am WedUK


_________ UK

* Skazat! Poetry Series at Sweetwaters FOURTH TUESDAY 7.00pm ET 0.00am (Wed) UK     

Features + Open Mic Zoom  


_________ USA

* Second Tuesday Poetry SECOND TUESDAY 7.00pm PT  3.00am (Wed) UK time   

Features + Open Mic Zoom            Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center


_________ USA

* Well-RED    Features + Open Mic Zoom     Poetry Center San JosŽ

SECOND TUESDAY 7.00pm PT    3.00am (Wed) UK


_________ UK

* LAST TUESDAY   Flight of the Dragonfly 7.30pm UK 7.30pm

Features + Open Mic Zoom            info: Darren J Beaney


_________ USA

* DC Guerrilla Poetry Insurgency

SECOND TUESDAY 8.00pm ET    1.00am (Wed)            GPI Virtual Open Mi Open MicZoom Jessica Philie Park



_____ USA, New York City

* FIRST TUESDAY 1:00 am 8pm ET (Mon) Nuyorican Poets Cafe Monday Online Open Mic Zoom Advocate of Wordz


_____ New Zealand?

* NELSON LIVE POETS SOCIETY Venue: Nelson Live Poets held 3rd Tuesday of the month at the On Inn Basement Bar, 385 Trafalgar Square East, Nelson.

Contact person Cat Woodward,


_____ Kashmir

* Poetry Platform of Kashmir, Coffee and Qalaam: #unfoldpress  Poetry Platform of Kashmir Completed 1year, Coffee and Qalaam #unfoldpress UNFOLD PRESS Coffee & Qalaam a newly literary forum founded by Mr. Akeel Mohiuddin celebrated its first annual day function on 07-07-2020 on the completion of one year as a movement in developing literary taste among masses, creating value based literature, providing free literary platform to the budding writers.. The function was graced with the presence of Professor Ismail Ashna, Famous Kashmiri Poet namely Gh Nabi Zahid. In its second session poetry symposium was held anchored by Basharat Faukir. _ Video by (Unfold Press) _ Camera :- Bilal Ahmad Dar _ Edit :- Raashid Altaf Lone Unfold Press -Let's Unfold The Truth.

Amazing Poet From Bandipora, Rabia Gillani Unfold Press, is a Social Media Platform Started by 3 Young boys, our Aim isJust to serve some Cinematic Stories and Visual Photography to World. Video By (Unfold Press) Our Official Website : On Facebook :


_____ UK, York

* FIRST TUESDAY 7:00 pm 7:00 pm York Spoken Word Open Mic Zoom Rose Drew


* SECOND TUESDAY 6:00 pm 1pm ET Food For Thought Writing Workshop Zoom Maureen Medina


_____ England

* THIRD TUESDAY 8:00 pm 8:00 pm Poetry at Jurnets Open Mic Zoom Varies


_____Aukland, New Zealand

* POETRY LIVE AUCKLAND: Book yourself in to read at Poetry Live, at the Thirsty Dog, 469 Karangahape Rd, Auckland City. Tuesdays 8 p.m. Guest poets, guest musician & open mike. Contact: MCs Simone, Kate, Sophie, Ken, and Matt by email:, putting the MCÕs name in the subject line. For poetry events, or to contact Timaru or South Canterbury poets, contact Karalyn Joyce at



_____ UK, York

* Home Is The Heart  Open Mic via Zoom  Rawle Iam James FOURTH WEDNESDAY 8.00pm ET 1.00am Thurs              UK time


_____ UK, York

* Write Out Loud Woking Online Feature + Open Mic Zoom SECOND WEDNESDAY 7.00pm UK

Rodney Wood/Greg Freeman

Also run in-person event    


_____ UK, York

* Poetry Bubble

FIRST WEDNESDAY 7.00pm UK  Open Mic  Zoom       Worcestershire Libraries


_____ UK, York

* Poetry in Cyberspace  THIRD WEDNESDAY     6.00pm CT     0.00am (Thurs) UK time

Open Mic       Zoom  Springfield Poets & Writers



* THIRD WEDNESDAY  Vala Gallery, a New Age Poetry & Open Mic 7.00pm CT 1.00am (Thurs UK time)


_____ USA, Massachusetts, Lowell


Our regular open mic is where the Lowell Poetry community comes together. Held on the first and third Wednesday of every month, we welcome not only poets, but also singer-songwriters, beat-box artists, comedians, and more – anyone who wants to step up to speak their truth to our listening audience. The open mic is non-competitive -- anyone can sign up for a spot, regardless of experience or background – and our community is known for its attentive welcome. The Untitled also hosts featured poets, chosen to do a 20 to 30 minute set, and we pay them a small honorarium for their work. These features are sometimes members of our regular reading community and sometimes come from outside of the area. In the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have experimented with hosting these events online and, when the weather allowed, in outdoor venues. We are committed to continuing this community forum, in one form or another, for the foreseeable future.


_____ USA, Texas, Houston

* Write About Now

411 Westheimer Rd   Houston, Texas 77006    (832) 287-5577

Houston Poetry Open-Mics or Slams. Every Wednesday. 7:30 PM at AvantGarden. Houston, Texas.


_____USA, Washington DC

* Beltway Poetry

They host book releases, live music, and regular poetry and spoken word series: an open mic every Wednesday at 9:00 pm, Poetry on the Patio (1st Saturdays at 9:00 pm, weather permitting), and a Youth Open Mic (3rd Saturdays at 5:00 pm). Busboys and Poets, 5th & K Streets, NW, DC. (202) 789-2227. $5 Admission to most events.


_____ New Zealand

* WORD OF MOUTH meets every month on the last Wednesday, 7.30-9pm at the Left Bank Art Gallery, 1 Tainui Street. A friendly, enthusiastic gathering of poets and poetry fans. All welcome. Contact Greg OÕConnell W: (03) 768 5597 H: (03) 768 5222 M: (027) 759 0531 E:


_____ New Zealand


First Wednesday, 7-9 pm, Sound & Vision Zone, Level 1, Central Library – Organiser:  Helen Lehndorf. For more information on this and other happenings, contact; email:; website

Contact person at the library is Jenny Veller.


_____ USA

* FIRST WEDNESDAY  Spofest Poetry and Prose 6pm CT (Tues) Feature + Open Mic Zoom

Become a featured reader:

Participate in our monthly Writing Prompt Open Mic event:\


_____ USA

* SECOND WEDNESDAY West Side Hybrid Poetry

10:00 am 7pm AET Slam Feature + Slam Zoom Defne Huzzie https://www.facebHooykb.rcidom/westsidepoetry


_____ Australia

* SECOND WEDNESDAY 7.30pm 7.30 pm Write & Release Feature + Open Mic Zoom


_____ England

* SECOND WEDNESDAY 8:00 pm 8:00 pm Choose Poetry Choose Life Feature + Open Mic Zoom Erin Gannon


_____ England

* Speakeasy Feature + Open Mic Zoom 7.30pm 7.30pm


_____ USA, New York

* THIRD WEDNESDAY New Ground Poetry 0.30am 7.30pm ET (Tues) Night Open Mic Zoom Jonathan Everitt


_____ England, London

* THIRD WEDNESDAY Incite Feature + Open Mic

7:00 pm 7:00 pm   Zoom Hannah Chutzpah

Incite! is London's oldest-running queer spoken word night - started in September 2010! The night is currently on Zoom, free to attend, and is run by charity forum+ and hosted by performance poet Hannah Chutzpah!


_____ UK


* THIRD WEDNESDAY 7.30pm 7:30pm Fen Speak

Feature + Open Mic Zoom Beth Hartley / Stewart Carshwttpe


_____ England, Worcester

* Dear Listener

Worcester's newest spoken word event, set to take place each month More info available on the Facebook page:


_____ USA, New York

* El Hang Out Con Thomas - USA - New York City - English/Others - UTC: 23:00 Day + local Standard Time:  2nd Wednesdays 6 -8pm EST
Host: Thomas Connor: for relevant details:

Stop by Thomas. virtual stoop to chill. Come, chop it up, tell stories, and spit verse & rhyme for a very relaxed and casual type of mic where, like its title indicates, you come to hang out and chop it up for a few, share your poetry or song, whip up an impromptu piece in the company of our affable host!  This event produced in association with Phynne Belle: a producer and promoter of poetry evcnts:
See: or
Phynnecabulary on Eventbrite:
Or visit the weekly podcast featuring a guest poet!
Phynne-Belle also lists open mics:  Books, events, podcast, & social media:



_____ UK

* Write Out Loud Wigan Online   Zoom Open Mic   Ian Whiteley FOURTH THURSDAY 7.30pm UK Check dates, sometimes 5th Thursday


_____ UK

* Shrewsbury Poetry Connected       Features + Open Mic FIRST THURSDAY 7.30pm UK Zoom         Liz Lefroy


_____ UK

* DIY Poets  SECOND THURSDAY 7.30pm UK NottinghamÕs premier poetry group monthly meetings on Wednesdays 8pm on zoom


_____ Australia

* MMH Poetry 3rd or 4th Thursday


_____ USA

* Noah Sanders The Racket Weekly  Six to eight writers and poets, hosted by Noah Sanders, every Thursday, online, 7:00-8:00 pm PDT (See Facebook page for Zoom link: or Noah Sanders: 


_____ USA, New York City

* FIRST THURSDAY 1:00 am 8pm ET (Weds) Beatnix Online Feature + Discussion Zoom La Bruja


_____ England

* FIRST THURSDAY 7.30pm 7:30pm Fire River Poets Feature +  Open Mic Zoom


_____ England

*  THURSDAY Red Door Poets Readings  6:00 pm 6:00 pm


_____ Ireland

* THURSDAY Over The Edge Features + Zoom  6.00pm 18:00


_____ USA, Massachusetts, Amherst

* LAST THURSDAY 11:00 pm 6pm ET Phosphorescence Reading


_____ USA

* LAST THURSDAY Speak Your Truth, Spoke Open Mic


Spoke is a non-profit organisation looking to raise the profile of spoken word and provide opportunities


_____ Netherlands,  Amsterdam 

* Word Up - Amsterdam - Thursdays, 7:30 pm CET Contact:
Our stage is promoting social inclusion and diversity through spoken word poetry and similar self-expressions. We invite people to share original content in English -
Word Up Amsterdam -Netherlands - Amsterdam - 24 - 7
For many brief clips as well as longer audio files
Also: Hear fascinating interviews with artists on their podcast, see:


_____ USA, Indiana, Indianapolis

* POETRY OPEN MIC inside the Irving Theater – not virtual
Thursday March 31 (and every Thursday night) 7:00p to 9:00pm
A completely nonjudgmental and safe space to share poetry held every Thursday on the deck at the Irving Theater in the Summer and inside all Winter long or as weather does not allow outdoor performances. Performances are broadcast live on our Facebook page (link below). Come enjoy original poetry and readings from local and regional artists or present your own poetry. FACEBOOK LIVE LINK: More information at


_____ Belgium, Brussels

* Brussels Spoken Word  On the first Thursday of the month @Pianofabriek, Rue du Fort 35, Saint Gilles. Doors at 19.30. We start at 20.00. For more info and signup contact us at  Impressum

You are a poet/author/playwright/comedian or wizard of wit? Come to SpeakEasy! You write/perform in French, Dutch, Italian, Martian or any other language? Come to SpeakEasy! You appropriate someone else's work and interpret it in a novel way. Come to SpeakEasy! We promise you a stage, an audience and all the recognition your little artist heart desires. Or come as audience. Because, did we mention there's a bar with drinks? And no worries about raids because prohibition was so 1920s


_____ England, Leicester

* Run Your Tongue Online 8-11PM (BST) – via Zoom
Spoken word open mic night. More info about signing up for open mic and accessing the gig Spoken word, poetry and music all welcome. 5 minute/ two-song slots available – Sign up before we go live by sending a direct message to the Run Your Tongue Facebook page!



_____ USA

* Calling All Poets, CAPS First Friday\

Entering its 24th year as the Hudson Valley's longest running poetry performance venue,

Zoom events at this time only. Please visit website to register for upcoming Zoom invites and events. $3 donation requested at Tip Jar. CAPS is a recognized 501(3c) and donations help us sponsor publications, JazzOetry events, etc


* FOURTH FRIDAY Come Together Open Mic     6.00pm ET  Jah Smalls/Shane Manier


* Virtual Voices  Feature + Open Mic Zoom JRose & Leah V THIRD FRIDAY8.00pm ET1.00am (Sat) UK $5 / donation          


_____ USA, Washington, Seattle

* Poetry Open Mic and Jam Session at Online in Seattle, WA


_____ Japan, Tokyo

* Drunk Poets Tokyo/ Drunk Poets See God Monthly on the last Friday of the month Sorcha Chisholm (Australia) and Samm Bennett (USA) have been hosting the event since 2013. The two well-known singer-songwriter musicians have long been playing on the Tokyo scene and have provided a haven for poets from all languages and backgrounds at the famed underground venue Bar Gari Gari

     Slam poetry with an optional theme, DPSG is a long-running night with over 40 shows, and plenty of poetry to prove it. Readers get a maximum 20-minute slot, but anything from a minute is fine to bring to the stage, with a real mix of styles and content throughout the night.

     With plenty of regulars the show is always interesting and has a great mix of seasoned veterans and newcomers keeping things fresh. To take part, arrive when the doors open at 7 pm to sign up! Entry is US$9.12 * and the first readings start at 7:30 pm at Bar Gari Gari in Setagaya. You Tube Channel:  7 – 11pm Tokyo time


_____ USA

* 1st and 3rd FRIDAY 3.30pm 7.30am PT Wake Up and Write!

Phynne-Belle  or and


_____ USA

* SECOND FRIDAY Phynnecabulary 3:00 am 7pm PT Thursday Open Mic Themed Open Mic Zoom Phynne-Belle and


_____ Netherlands

* FIRST FRIDAY Poetry Lit Feature 8pm CET+ Open Mic Poetry Lit! is a monthly online reading series for poets from all over the world Milla Van der Have and contactÓ


     Poetry from all over the world has never been closer to your lazy chair! Poetry Lit! is a monthly online reading series for international poets... and their fans. Each month Poetry Lit! hosts a Zoom event where folks share in poetry.

     Each month we invited 2 guest poets to read from their work. After the reading we do a Q&A with the featured poets. And then there's an open mic, where you can hear some exciting new voices!

     If you want to attend and listen to some great poetry.... welcome! Please register, so we know how many people are coming. We will send you a link to join nearer to the event


_____ USA, New York

* Hudson Valley Writers Group Open Mic -- 3rd Friday of the Month – and


_____ England, Staffordshire

* WORD Staffordshire Libraries Spoken Word Showcase Fri 2-4PM (GMT)


_____ USA, Maine, Rockport

* FRIDAY Rockport Open Mic Open

Mic Zoom Bob Whelan




_____ USA, Maryland

* Poetry Buffet FIRST SATURDAY 2.00pm CT  8.00pm UK Features + Open Mic via Zoom            Gina Ferrera


* Speak The Word Open Mic Zoom FOURTH SATURDAY 6.00pm UK 6:00 pm 

See other weekly events     


_____ USA, Texas, Houston

* Houston Public Library Reading Series FIRST SATURDAY 2.00pm CT           8.00pm UK

Feature + Open Mic Zoom  V› Đức Quang


_____ Malta

* Malta Poetry Society Open Mic  THIRD SATURDAY 6.30pm CET 7.30pm

Malta Poetry Society           Open Mic   Norman Cristina


_____ USA, Maryland

* FIRST SATURDAY Maryland Writers First

Fridays Open Mic Feature + Open Mic Zoom 0.00am 7pm ET(Fri)


_____ USA, New York City

* THIRD SATURDAY  Artful Dodgers Poetry monthly poetry readings, with a mix of open mic and featured readers, at the Montauk Club, a Landmarked historical treasure styled in 1889 after a Venetian palazzo. For information, or to confirm an interest in reading your work, please contact us at


_____ Bangladesh

* Massud Uzzaman Bangladesh – Open mic Bangladesh


_____ Bangladesh

* The series in Bangaldesh is called the Magic of Recitation

Sayd Khan's email is


_____ Bangladesh

*  The Magic of Recitation  An open mic in Bangladesh:



*  SECOND SATURDAY 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Speak The Word Peer Review



_____ UK, Kendal

* LAST SATURDAY 7.30pm Verbalise Feature + Open Mic Zoom Ann Grant


_____ UK

* Sat 7-8.30PM (BST) – via YouTube: Ecopoetry Open Mic
hosted by Robin Lamboll. 15 open mic slots available, with 8 reserved for underrepresented groups.


_____ Turkey, Istanbul

*  Spoken Word Istanbul

The biggest accolade Spoken Word Istanbul has received so far: A short film by Tara Milutis now live in The Atlantic. The film was made on a rare night at Spoken Word, not one to remember with a roaring laughter. This is the one community that gives hope to many of us as we plow our way through the darkest time in recent Turkish history.Thank you Tara.É/5É/the-slam-poets-of-istanbul/


_____ USA, California

* Poetry of Diaspora in Silicon Valley - USA - California - English/Others - UTC: 04:30  Local Day and Time: First Saturdays 8:30 pm PST Contact via the Facebook Group:
     One has to join the Facebook group to participate - the following are listed as administrators
Admin - Jai:
Admin - Joyti:
We gather to read and listen to poems in all languages, with impromptu translations. It is an affirmative art practice space for poetry lovers at ease with pregnant pauses. It isn't a critique or social space. Requests are allowed but there's no obligation for them to be met.




*  The Poetry Place, Radio Show LAST SUNDAY 3.00pm UK 3.00pm  Dawn Gorman Available to listen later  



*  Virtual Poetry Night – WyoPoets Open Mic Zoom SECOND SUNDAY

5.00pm MT 0.00am (Mon) UK



*  Poetry LGBT FIRST SUNDAY  5.00pm UK  Open Mic Zoom\

Andreena Leeanne


*  Poetry Salon Reading and Open Mic THIRD SUNDAY 2.00pm PT 10.00pm UK time

Feature + Open Mic Zoom The Poetry Salon



*  Red Door Poets Readings  SUNDAY 6.00pm UK several hosts



*  Poetic Justice SECOND SUNDAY 3.00pm PT 11.00pm UK t ime

Feature + Open Mic Zoom    Carol Johnson


_____ Trinidad & Tobagoi

*  Poetry & Prose Open Mic SECOND SUNDAY 1.00pm AST 5.00pm  Trinidad & Tobago

Feature + Open Mic meets twice a month on Zoom for writers share their work. Join on Zoom


_____ New Zealand

*  Poetry at Your Place  SUNDAY 7.30pm NZ 8.30am Slam/Open Mic  Rikki Livermore

Almost weekly events on Sunday at 7:30pm (NZ time) on Zoom and Facebook Live! Poetry, spoken word



*  Open Mouth Reading SUNDAY 7.00pm CT 1.00am (Mon UK t ime)

Open Mouth Literary Center



_____ UK

*  Open Mic Live Streaming on YouTube We are going to organize an online open mic event which would be stream on 19-07-2020 Sunday at 05 PM through our YouTube channel BOOKS IN RACK Record your poetry/story in video format with plain background in Landscape mode.

 Open Mic Live Streaming on YouTube - Books In Rack


* SECOND SUNDAY 0.00am 4pm PT (Sat) Poetry Box Live Readings Zoom Shawn Aveningo-Sanders


* SECOND SUNDAY Seam Poetry Reading Series   3pm ET  Zoom Kristina Andersson Bicher


_____ USA, Ohio, Toledo

* SECOND SUNDAY  Uncloistered Poetry Online

11.00pm 6pm ET Feature + Open Mic   Zoom



* SUNDAY 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Red Door Poets Readings


_____ UK

* SUNDAYS 5.45pm 5.45pm  A Diversity Open Mic

     Lenguas Diversity is a monthly performance space for your voices, a community hungry for different lenguas where we gather and celebrate diversidad through any kind of art. LetÕs keep it abierto!
     Performers will have up to FIVE minutes each, helpful for those who decide to read a piece in a different language than English and then translate it.

     We encourage our talented artists to perform in any language so translation isnÕt required. If you have any questions then please contact us at Martin Grey / Edith Blackbird


_____ UK

* Fri 8PM (BST) – via Zoom PoetsÕ CafŽ Onlin  (Usually happens in Reading, UK) For more info visit Claire DyerÕs website.


_____ USA, Louisiana, New Orleans

* PoetryFriends Presents: We Can Work It Out – USA – Louisiana – New Orleans – English/Others – UTC Day and local Time: 2nd Sundays, 6pm CST

For information see:  Monthly New Orleans poetry show that champions originality, fun, craft and inclusivity.


_____ France, Paris

* Angora Poets – France – Paris – Multi-Lingual –

Day + local Standard Time:  Sundays Possibly not an open mic?  For information:

Newcomers wishing to present send a small work sample or see Moe Seager Host/Curator/Cofounder -

& Lindsay A Gordon - Producer/Cofounder/Archivist


We have launched the Angora Poets World CaffŽ website. In accordance with our mission, the site presents poets, prose writers and performance artists from the 4 corners of our planet.  We continuously work to highlight all who have graciously contributed their craft on our stage, at our Paris venue le Bistrot des Artistes and on our Zoom stages.


The Angoras featured on the site include artists past and present over our life span of three years. To all of you who have dedicated your time to us, this is how we say thank you.


_____ USA, Idaho, Boise

* FIRST SUNDAY 5:00 pm Poetry LGBT Open Mic Zoom Andreena Leeanne

Every week on Sundays @5:00 p.m., MST, Poetry live reads, recorded poetry, music beds, stuff about poets, live interviews, and all things poetic!


Those either without dates or variables in their notes


_____ USA, Arizona, Phoenix

* Phoenix Books Virtual Poetry Open Mic Monthly, Weds or Thurs 7.00pm ET 0.00am (next day UK time) Open Mic via Zoom Bianca Amira Zanella



* Speakeasy Feature + Open Mic Zoom Bob Walton - Sue Hill Monthly - Day & week vary - Wed/Thurs 7:30pm


* Pic and ZooMix ÒSpoken word for everybody.Ó

Hosted by The Revolt Poet, featuring Mel Wardle Woodend and Sophie J O Sullivan. Visit the Facebook event page to contact the host about open mic slots and access.


* An Open Mic for Earnest Ears

An Open Mic for Earnest Ears Our new selection of Open Mic features was recorded live at the ÒBlack BoxÓ in Newport, Oregon. Housed in the Newport Performing Arts Center, the Black Box Open Mic is affiliated with the Nye Beach WriterÕs Series, which was, in turn, founded by Carla Perry (pictured above).


*  Gaslight CafŽ and Music,

Unit 15-2, Jalan Medan Setia 1, Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara, Kuala Lumpur / Frequency: Bi-monthly; check their Facebook page for upcoming events | Admission: RM18 inclusive of a drink | Social:

ÒFounded by poets Melizarani T Selva and Will Beale, it is currently the only open-mic platform for poetry and spoken word in the city. A typical nightÕs line-up comprises both emerging and regular names in the local poetry scene as well as a featured musician or band. If you want to learn how to write and/or perform poetry, the platform also has a workshop titled ÔPoets in ProgressÕ.Ó


* Rooftop Rhythms

Get social – even at a distance – and join local performers online for the 8th anniversary celebration of Rooftop Rhythms. See poets, spoken word and Hip-Hop artists do their thing in a live stream from the Rooftop Rhythms Facebook page. Plus, the show kicks off with the smooth sounds of DJ A.L.L.A.D at 7.45pm so make sure youÕre logged in to hear his set. Launched in 2012 by Dorian Paul Rogers, Rooftop Rhythms is co-presented with NYU Abu Dhabi with official support of US Embassy Abu Dhabi.  The show is free and performances start at 8pm.Visit:


*  Reading series with Vayl & Sydney Conteh, Cambridge/Sierra Leone


* Caferati

Anjuli Nunn, a San Diego based poet


     After our feature, I will Òpass the micÓ to the poets. As you ÒenterÓ the space, let me know if you want to read and I will create a list. Everyone has 3-5 minutes of their best time! 

     The past five/six years had seen the cafe scene open up for several spoken word poetry initiatives. But the longest standing open mic platform has been run by the Caferati (a writers' forum) as 'Caferati at Prithvi cafe' - which is the cafe of the Prithvi Theatre. They have been consistent, successful and popular for many many years. You can view their work here - and you could write to Peter Griffin regarding your project. His email id is


* Words Tell Stories,

A more serious effort by the spoken word poet Rochelle D'silva. you can access it here


* POETAS SIN FRONTERAS organized by Jorge Contreras from Hidalgo, Mexico.


* The Poetry Pot  IG: Beirut based spoken word poetry collective and community performing on all kinds of stages near you. Since it's birth in 2017, The Poetry Pot has been central in growing the local poetry scene, hosting poets, musicians, and artists across communities. Spreading performance culture and building Beirut's literary potential, The Poetry Pot hosts writing & performance sessions with communities organizations/

Institutions across the city.


* GOLDEN BAY LIVE POETÕS SOCIETY has a monthly Performance Night at the famous Mussel Inn Bush CafŽ at Onekaka. (For dates go to Mussel Inn.) Visiting poets are most welcome. For news of meetings contact convenor Mark Raffills at or


* Cos Cob Library

Contact Diane Morello,

Greenwich Pen Women, a non-profit organization of local women artists, writers, and musicians, invites the public to share their creative works at Cos Cob Library


* Poetry Spoken Here at the website are guidelines for sending your poem audio recording for Open Mic of the Air - your phone will make an excellent recording. From Charlie Rossiter--VT to Everyone: (7:11 PM) World Headquarters  121 Jefferson Ave.  Bennington, VT 05201  708.606.4673


Leads to SF Bay Area Venues

 These listings are from prior to the pandemic some may have gone virtual




From: A PoetÕs One Page Guide to SF Open Mics!



Bazaar Cafe: Thrs: original acoustic music/spoken/word, 7pm, Bazaar Cafe, 5927    California St, nr 22nd: 831-5620, Host: Robin Galante (28) 16th @Mission: Thrs: step up-be heard, starts 10+/- @BART Plaza, Hosts: Charlie Getter et al  (45) Hotel Utah: Mon, open, 7pm to last call, Hotel Utah Saloon, 500 4th St,   



GreenApple Music/Poetry/Open Mic, 2nd to last Tue, musicians+poets (10min) 7pm, GreenAppleAnnex, 520 Clement, 387-2272, Host: Ronnie Carrier,




Free Feature Salon, Wed: open/features-musicians/poets (10min/ea) sign-up@7 starts@8, feature@930, Neck of the Woods, 406 Clement St, Hosts: GuinevereQ+Young Sun,




The Alchemy Slam, Tues: poetry open/slam/music, sign-up 8pm, ($5cover), F8 Lounge, 1192 Folsom St, Hosts: Casey Gardner+Mike Taylor+Slam Master Patrick Oshlund facebook: alchemyslam




Oh My Goddess! 4th Tues, open, 6-10pm, Artillery Gallery, 2741 Mission@24th, Hosts: Lilith King Smithson and LeilaÒ LeiLoÓ Yatim,




Smack Dab, 1st Sun, usually, 5pm sign-up, MannyÕs, 3092 16th, Hosts: Larry-bob Roberts +Dana Hopkins:


Black & Brown, 1st Sat, start 730pm, open and features, Black & Brown Social Club, 474 Valencia, ph: 431-9926;


QueerBound (LGBTQ+), 4thSat: open+features, 6-9pm, Alley Cat Books, 3036 24th St. Host: Rae, Facebook: Queer Bound.


2nd Tues, open+features, music, sign in at 8, 8-10pm, Eric Quezada Cntr. 518 Valencia, Host: Imani Cezanne see:


From: The Bay Area Guide to Open Mics


            1st Saturdays 3:00 - 5:00pm an open reading at Strawberry Creek Lodge, 1320 Addison St., Berkeley between Acton & Bonar St. (Park on the street, NOT in the S.C.L. parking lot) Reading is on the 4th floor movie room, all ages welcome to enjoy a friendly, informal read-around -- 3-5 minutes per poet/reader— just listening is fine too


            Mondays 7:00 - 9:00pm Poetry Express, NationÕs Giant Hamburgers,1800 University Av, (remodeling at Himalayan Flavors) storytelling / flash fiction night. Hosts: Bruce Bagnell, Jim Barnard, Jan Dederick and Gary Turchin.  email: /


            1st Wednesdays 1:00 - 3:00pm  Elder Voices, performance/open mic, North Berkeley Senior Center 1901 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, (510) 981-5190, This will be back on the in August). Host: Sylvie Carberry.


            2nd Wednesdays 7:00 - 9:00pm  The Alameda Island Poets + Pandemonium Press Readings, (note: it normally met on the 1st Weds. but is now 2nd Weds.  At the Frank Bette Center for the Arts, 1601 Paru St., Alameda.  Features, light refreshments then open mic.  All are welcome.  Hosted by Nanette Deetz Contact: Cathy Dana

or Nanette Deetz, see:


            2nd Sundays 3:30 - 5:00pm  Britt MarieÕs 2nd Sunday Poetry Series, curated by Barb Reynolds, 1369 Solano Ave., Albany.  Reserve dinner afterwards (510) 527-1314 /


            2nd Wednesdays 7:00pm NOT YET DEAD POETS SOCIETY, at THE MAIN GALLERY, 1018 Main St., Redwood City, near NW corner Middlefield & Main.  Features and open to follow. A donation to The Gallery would be appreciated.  For more info, contact PATRICK DALY:


            2nd Thursdays   6:30 - 7:50pm  Poetry Program, Claremont Branch Berkeley Public Library, 2940 Benvenue Ave., Berkeley.  (510) 981-6280.  Sponsored by the Friends of the Berkeley Public Library.


            2nd Thursdays 7:00 - 9:00pm  The Alameda Island Poets free Poetry Workshop at the Frank Bette Center for the Arts, 1601 Paru St, (Please enter through the side door on Lincoln.)  Free-write periods end with participants sharing their work with minimal or specific feedback as they request.  Light refreshments.  Workshop coordinators Marilyn Flower and Mary Loughran, any member may present an evening.  Sign up to lead on a future date. Contact (510) 522-0511


            2nd Fridays 7:00 - 9:00pm  At the NEFELI CAFFE, 1854 Euclid Ave., Berkeley, part of the Last Word Reading Series (2nd FridayÕs since 2007!).Cafe (510) 841-6374.  ThereÕs also an open reading.  Admission is free, but a one-drink or one-plate minimum is suggested, Co Hosts Dale Jensen, Ralph Dranow, John Rowe, and Grace Grafton For more info, email: or /


            2nd Saturdays 5:00 - 7:00pm  RANDOM ACTS Open Mic at Readers Books, 130 E. Napa St., Sonoma, CA - Tel: (707) 939-1779 (Come early to Sign Up.)  Random Acts at SonomaÕs ReadersÕ Books was created in order to create an outdoor Òreading patioÓ at the rear of the bookstore.  This open mic continues to reduce the ÒReadersÕ PatioÓ bill as well as add a place where local writers can voice four and a half minutesÕ worth of work to an enthused audience.  For the cost of five dollars, a writer or musician is able to listen to the best, which her/his contemporaries can deliver as well as deliver to her/his own material.  Random Acts saves a bookstore, creates a lit-space, and warms an audience.  For further info, contact: Catherine Sevenau:


            2nd Saturdays 7:00 - 9:00pm  Poetry, Prose, and More Series at Frank Bette Center for the Arts, 1601 Paru St., Alameda. Donations welcome.  For more info, email: / website:


            3rd  Fridays 7:00 - 9:00pm  Poetry Readings at Expressions Gallery, 2035 Ashby Ave., Berkeley (near Ashby BART). Features followed by open:


            Second Fridays 7:00 - 9:30pm  My Word Open Mic at Cafe Leila, 1724 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley.  Features and open, Hosts: Elaine C Brown (aka POET E SPOKEN) & Kelliane Parker. email:


            1st Sundays 2:00 - 5:00pm Poetry Inside Out, Bookshop Benicia, 636 First St., Benicia. Host Johanna Ely, Features and open, 3 minutes on the open. Everyone is welcome or


            3rd Sundays 1:30 – 3:30  Bean Affair Coffee Shop, 1270 Healdsburg Avenue, (707) 395-0177:


            Last Thursday 7pm – 9:30  The Poetry Stage, A Taste of Rome CafŽ, 1000 Bridgeway, Sausalito, (415) 332 7660, wheel chair accessible


            Thursdays 730 –10pm Holla Back!, 2277 International Blvd nr 23rd, (510) 553-6629,, wheelchair accessible


            1st Thursdays 12:10 – 12:50, Lunch Poems, Morrison Library, in the Doe Library, University of Berkeley,


            2nd Thursdays 7:30 sign up, Oakland Slam, Awaken CafŽ, 1429 Broadway nr 14th, Wide Open Mic precedes the Poetry Slam, Hosts Nazelah & Dre, $5 or $7


            3rd Thursday 7:30pm  Marin Poetry Center Readings, features and open before the slam, Falkirk Cultural Center, 1408 Mission St. nr E,


            1st and 3rd Tuesdays 7:30pm  Golden State Slam, Grand Lake Coffee House, 440 Grand Avenue nr Bellevue, (510) 922-1507, wheelchair accessible


            Wednesdays 8:30pm Berkeley Poetry Slam, The Starry Plough, 3101 Shattuck Ave nr Prince, (510) 841-2081, $7.00,

            1st Saturdays 2:30 – 5pm Lost Poets Salon, the Bagelry, 320 Cedar St, Santa Cruz, (831) 420-0211, wheelchair accessible, Open reading and discussions


            Last Saturdays 4pm – 6pm  Hand to Mouth Spoken Out, Rebound Bookstore, 1161 4th St. betw F & G, San Rafael, (415) 482-0550.


            3rd Wednesdays  7:30 – 9:30pm  Lyrics and Dirges, Pegasus Books, 2349 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, wheelchair accessible, Hosts: MkChavez, Tomas Muniz


            3rd Saturdays  7:30pm  Alta Solano Lit Out Loud, Folk and Fine Art Gallery, 1861-A Solano Ave, Berkeley, (510) 900-2591, Host: Jannie M. Dresser, email:       


            1st and 3rd Saturdays  6:30pm  Santa Cruz Indie Slam, Cypress Lounge, 120 Union S., cash prizes,


            3rd Saturdays 10am – 12:30  Joseph Nelson Comm. Cntr., 611 village Dr. off Hwy 12, Suisun City, $5 visitors, for info email:


            1st Monday  7:30 – 9pm  Contra Costa Poets, at the Home of Deborah Fruchey, 125 Conifer Lane, Walnut Creek, A peer critique atmosphere, bring 10 -12 copies, Contact Robert Eastwood,


            3rd Monday 7 – 9pm  HQ Gallery, 333 first Street, Suite D, Benicia, free for Strictly East members, $10 for non-members, contact: Lois Requist:


            4th Monday 6:30pm  Poetry in Notion, JFK Library, 505 Santa Clara St. Vallejo, Host: Genea Brice, Vallejo Poet Laureate


            1st Tuesday 7pm  Queen Bean Coffee House, 1126 14th St, Modesto, 209-521-8000,


            2nd Tuesday BarkinÕ Dog Grill, 940 11th St, Modesto, 6pm, Features and Open, Contact: Gillian Wegener:


            1st Tuesday 645pm  First Tuesday Poetry Group, Benicia Public Library, 151 East L St., Contact: Johanna Ely, Benicia Poet Laureate,


            4th Tuesday 7 – 9pm  PoetÕs Society Meeting currently at Jan HershÕs home, 6430 Contada Circle, Danville, peer critique circle, please bring 10 – 12 copies of poems, Contact: Bob Eastwood,


            4th Wednesday  Whistle Stop Writers, Swirl on the Square, 21 South Livermore Ave, Ste 105, open mic reading poetry, fiction, 5 minute limit, happy hour all night, Host: Cynthia Patton

            2nd Thursday 630pm  Brentwood Writes, Brentwood Community Center, 760 1st St, Brentwood, open mic, music welcome, 5 minutes, non-abusive or insulting please, Host: Kati Short:  Brentwood Poet Laureate


            4th Thursday Poets of the San Joaquin, workshops and poetry talks, location varies, Contact: Cleo Griffith, (209) 543 – 1776


            2nd and 4th Thursdays 730pm  Poetry by the Bay, at the Hub, 350 Georgia St., Vallejo, Open mic  readings begin at 8pm, Host: Kyrah Ayers


            1st Sunday 1pm Unity Poetry Group, Unity Spiritual Center, 1871 Geary St, Walnut Creek, upstairs after services, Contact David Petersen, 925-588-4083


            2nd Saturdays 7:00-9:00 PM: Poetry Prose and More Series (2nd Saturdays) at Frank Bette Center for the Arts, 1601 Paru St., Alameda. Features and open Hosted by Jeanne Lupton. For more info, email: / website: